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Statement of Intent


  At Caterpillars Pre-School we take into account that all       children are individuals, and develop at different rates         making their progress unique to them. Every area of           development physical, cognitive, linguistic, spiritual,           social  and emotional, is equally important. Warm, trusting   relationships with knowledgeable adults support children's   learning more effectively than any amount of resources.



Positive Relationships


We strongly believe that a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise between parents and practitioners means effective communication. To enable this process to take place we create a warm welcoming environment with highly qualified, experienced and approachable practitioners.

Your child's keyworker

​Your child will be allocated a member of staff who has a special responsibility to ensure, your child is happy and feels secure at Caterpillars Pre-School, in addition to observing, encouraging and extending your child's learning experiences. The key worker will respect confidentiality at all times, and will ensure parents/carers are always contacted about any concerns involving their child.

'Parents are a child's first and most enduring educators'


How will you know how your child is doing?

Here at Caterpillars Pre-School we put together information on how your child is doing. We might take photographs and describe what they are doing during their session or week for instance. We keep a folder for each child called a 'Learning Journal'. This shows our observations on your child and any special pieces of artwork or writing they may have done.


Once a term parents consultations are undertaken, where you will receive a narrative observation which provides opportunities for sharing information regarding your child's learning achievements and next steps. Included on the narrative observations are suggestions of activities that can be carried out at home with parents to help extend your child's learning.


When you child is 2

At some point after your child turns 2, we will give you a written summary of how your child is progressing. You may find it useful to share the information with other professionals such as health visitors ( who can use it as part of the health and development review ).





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